COURSERA Week3 Exploring the wonderful world of data (1)
이번 주차에서는 Data life cycle과 data analysis 의 six steps에 대해 배운다.
Data life cycle
A business decides what kind of data it needs, how it will be managed throughout its life cycle, who will be responsible for it, and the optimal -
This is where data is collected from a variety of different sources and brought into the organization -
How we care for our data, how and where it’s stored, the tools used to keep it safe and secure, and the actions taken to make sure that it’s maintained properly. This phase is very important to data cleansing, which we’ll cover later on. -
This is where data analysts really shine. In this phase, the data is used to solve problems, make great decisions, and support business goals. For example, one of our electricity company’s goals might be to find ways to help customers save energy -
Archiving means storing data in a place where it’s still available, but may not be used again -
To destroy the data, the company would use a secure data erasure software. If there were any paper files, they would be shredded too. This is important for protecting a company’s private information, as well as private data about its customers